确实是真的,内部资料库写的就是sumalagu(苏麻喇姑的注音还可作sumalaku),史密斯基金会比较严谨的,如果仅仅是怀疑,他们会说可能是某某人,比如这一张:http://www.ourjg.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=29&ID=3663&page=1,外部资料库标注的就是“ possibly the Wife of Dorgun”,而内部的资料上也没有证实。但是这张苏麻喇姑的画像内部的资料库确定标注了,这就证明画像有供奉的标签,才会这么写的。呵呵,人家不会乱写,信口开河的,而且他们给出的图片都是自己的馆藏。
Sumalagu was a palace attendant who was a close confidante to the Grand Dowager Empress Xiaozhuang during the reign of Emperor Shun Zhi.
Sumalagu taught Emperor Kang Xi his Manchu while he was under her care. Later on, she was given the responsibility of looking after his son Prince Yin Tao.